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Monday, August 16, 2010

Why You Should Have A Personal Mentor And How To Choose One

If you want to avoid making some serious mistakes you need to have a personal mentor that has been there, done that! I have made so many decisions on my own before I had a mentor that cost me millions of dollars over the years.
My husband and I have been personally coached and mentored by several very successful entrepreneurs since we got involved in a personal development and leadership program in 1991. We have been given homework assignments, goals to wok towards, financial advice, books to read, advice to build out network business and even marriage counseling.
Now I am being mentored by my internet marketing coach as well. He is a very successful online entrepreneur and he astounds me with all the information he is teaching me. I have learned more from him in a few months than I learned studying internet marketing guru courses for several years. We also have spiritual mentors as well that pray with us and we also counsel with them about marriage, life, spiritual growth, etc.
It is imperative to have a mentor to bounce off ideas or to ask their advice before you make decisions. However, you need to make sure they are qualified to mentor you. For example, I would not take financial advice from a broke person. We are mentored by millionaires that have the proven expertise to create wealth.
If I was going to get a fitness trainer or a weight loss coach, I would not hire someone overweight or out of shape. I would want to get my advice from someone who has already accomplished what I am paying them to teach me to do.
You need to make sure you like the person and will be willing to listen to them. Before I agree to mentor anyone I want to know they are serious about changing their situation. Insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. I want to make sure my clients are going to get results. If they won't take action they won't get results.
TEAM is offering full access to their leadership website for 30 days free. To start your free trial, go now to or go now to learn more about a world class leadership development system and one of the fastest growing leadership communities on the planet! To learn how you can find an internet marketing mentor or start an online business, go to
Pam Eppinette has over 30 years of business, sales and marketing experience and is a successful internet business owner, wellness and weight management coach and a TEAM leadership, life and business coach.

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