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Monday, June 2, 2008

A Successful Leader Must Think Outside of the Box

A leader has to change with changing times.

One thing I have learned over the years is a leader must think outside of the box. You can't just say we have always done things this way, so that's the way we will keep doing it. Most of the companies that went out of business probably said the same thing at one point. A leader must change with changing times.
You have to move with the changing current. The boats rise with the tide.
Remember a popular soft drink slogan in the 80's, "Catch the Wave"? Well if you don't catch it you are going to miss it.
There are still a lot of companies that don't have a presence on the web, and they are missing out on business. I never reach for a phone book. I always look in Google for what I need. I don't even own a phone book. They take up too much space to just sit around.
Take network marketing for example. What worked for the networking giants for 40 years definitely is not working now. The companies that keep doing the same old marketing strategies are struggling because they won't think outside the box.
A good example of thinking out of the box is some of the newest innovative network marketing or MLM companies. There are several companies that will allow their distributors to market their products on the internet. This is a very important point to consider before joining any business! Social networking and internet marketing have become innovative ways to reach millions of people on the internet. However, many companies still don't realize we have stepped into the information age, and they prohibit distributors from advertising on the internet.
Many companies are even setting up holding tanks so if a new distributor signs up online, they have an alloted time to specify which leg they want them on. Also, many new companies are setting up their structure that if a person goes off autoship and loses their points, they lose their position and their downline that is on autoship will move up. That is really thinking out of the box!
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To learn how you can find an internet marketing mentor, or make money while you sleep using the power of the internet, by starting an online business, visit Pam Eppinette.
Pam Eppinette has over 30 years of business, sales and marketing experience and is a successful internet business owner, wellness consultant and life and business coach. Pam is an Internet Marketing Coach for what is arguably the World's Largest Internet Marketing School available today and a leadership coach for one of the world's best leadership training and development companies.
Pam Eppinette - EzineArticles Expert Author
A leader has to change with changing times.

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