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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Becoming a Leader - 4 Keys to Personal Growth

Everyone can be a leader with the right information, the right mentor, and the right association.

Becoming a leader is possible with the right information, the right mentor, and the right association. At some point in your life you may be called to be a leader whether that is in your home, your business, your church, your community, in a business or in your social groups. Will you be ready? In this article you will discover the 4 keys to personal growth which will help you be able to step up to the plate when you are asked to be a leader.
4 Keys To Personal Growth And Becoming A Leader
I believe the 4 keys to personal growth and to becoming a leader, and I am speaking from my own personal experience, is:
1. The books you read daily.
2. The information you listen to.
3. The mentor or life coach you are accountable to.
4. The groups you associate with.
I have had the pleasure of hearing Charlie Tremendous Jones speak at several leadership seminars. It never fails that he always said "you are the same today as you will be in five years except for two things, the people you meet and the books you read."
I have heard other leaders say you will be the same today in five years except for the books you read, the CDs you listen to and the people you associate with.
Remember when you were growing up when your mom told you to watch who you are hanging out with? If you hang out with bank robbers you will end up robbing a bank. If you hang out with successful, like-minded people you will have a better chance at becoming a successful person.
I have even heard if you hang out with millionaires, you will become a millionaire. While that may be true if you are being mentored by a millionaire that is able to teach you to do what they may be doing, it won't be true if they became millionaires in a way that they will not be able to teach you to do the same thing that helped them to create their wealth.
I have heard several leaders say that if you take the incomes from the 5 people you hang around with most and divide it by 5, you will average that income. Yikes! I I knew I needed to start hanging around with more successful people.
Having been involved in a personal development system for over 19 years, I know I am a much better person than if I would not have been. My life has been changed by the books I read, the CDs I listen to, and the successful mentors that I counsel with. I attend leadership seminars every chance I get. Just hanging out with like-minded people hungry for personal growth and leadership development fires me up.
I believe there is room for improvement for leadership in everyone, not just managers, company owners, and the President. Even the lowest person on the bottom of the corporate pyramid, students, housewives and great grandmothers deserve a chance to become the best they can be.
There is no age limit for personal growth. I believe even a child listening to CDs in the car with you while you drive will pick up some valuable principles that will help them in later years.
Remember garbage in... garbage out!
Wisdom in... wisdom out.
I believe even my 90 year-old grandmother was hungry to learn and she strived daily to became a better person even towards the final days of her life. She often listened to my CDs when we were driving in the car. She was always reading books (especially the Bible) and striving to become better.
I find that if you get in the habit of listening to your leadership CDs and reading at least 15 minutes a day, you will notice a difference when you miss taking the time to do so.
The best time to read is first thing in the morning and also right before you go to bed. If you read in the morning it can help you get a positive attitude to face the day. It is a good habit to put positive in your mind before you go to bed.
Becoming a leader will take some time, but it will not be difficult if you do the 4 keys to becoming a leader.
Next! To learn how you can speed up the process of becoming a leader by participating in a leadership development program, visit Pam Eppinette today!
Pam Eppinette has over 30 years of business, sales and marketing experience and is a successful internet business owner, wellness consultant and life and business coach. Pam believes success is possible for those who want to become a leader with the right mentor and proven training. Pam is also a leadership coach for one of the world's largest leadership training and development companies.
Everyone can be a leader with the right information, the right mentor, and the right association.

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